Have you forgotten or lost your smartphone?

The Bold Smart Lock is completely keyless, so it’s impossible to lose your key. But you might forget your smartphone sometime, or the battery may have died. No need to worry.

The Bold Smart Lock is completely keyless, so it’s impossible to lose your key. But you might forget your smartphone sometime, or the battery may have died. No need to worry — you can still get in if you’ve previously set a backup PIN code, which you can generate in the Bold App. You can enter the code by turning the outer knob. Read more about setting a backup PIN code here.

Can you no longer use your smartphone — for example, because it broke or you’ve lost it? In that case, you can set up your account on a different smartphone. If you do this, all digital keys will immediately be removed from the previous phone. You can log in to the Bold App on another phone (or tablet) using your old cell phone number or email address and password. The moment you do this, you will automatically be logged out on the previous device, as the digital keys are only supported on one device per user.