How can you permanently remove your Bold account?

We are sad to see you go but understand that sometimes it is time to move on. If you have decided to no longer use Bold, here is how you can permanently delete your account.

Before you proceed, you need to transfer your Bold devices from your account to the new owner or remove your Bold devices from your account (you can find the steps on how to do this via this link). Keep in mind that after deleting your account, any invitations from friends or family to join their Bold devices will no longer be accessible.

Steps to delete your Bold account

  1. Open the Bold App and go to Settings
    (Tap the settings icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.)
  2. Navigate to My Account
    (Here you will find various options related to your Bold account.)
  3. Select Delete Account
    (You will receive a warning that this action is irreversible.)
  4. Confirm your decision
    (You will be asked: "Are you sure you want to proceed?" Tap "Yes, proceed.")

Note: Once you confirm, your account will be deleted after 7 days of inactivity. If you change your mind, you can cancel the process by signing back in within those 7 days.