1. Support Centre
  2. Digital and Physical Safety

How do we handle data security of the Bold Connect?

Like the Bold Smart Cylinders, the Bold Connect is thoroughly checked for data security. To this end, we use the same security protocols, which put the security of the user first.

Like the Bold Smart Cylinders, the Bold Connect is thoroughly checked for data security. To this end, we use the same security protocols, which put the security of the user first. You can find a detailed description here. We’d like to provide an additional explanation about two components of the Bold Connect:

  • Wi-Fi settings

    Users can connect the Bold Connect to the internet via Wi-Fi. Please note: personal data (such as Wi-Fi passwords and network settings) is saved locally on your Bold Connect and is not sent to the Bold servers.
  • Independent network communication

    Communication between the Bold Connect and the Bold Smart Cylinder takes place via an MQTT broker that is validated using X.509 certificates. The combination of a personalized platform with international standard verification software ensures you always securely access your devices.