1. Support Centre
  2. Digital and Physical Safety

Can someone else take over or reset my Bold Smart Cylinder?

No, due to security measures built into the Bold system, only the digital owner can make the product free for installation.

Are you trying to install a Bold product and does the Bold app say “This device is already installed by another user”? 

Then the Bold product in question already has a digital owner. To solve the issue, please determine which of the following statements applies to you:

I want to access the Bold Smart Lock for entry purposes.

Get in touch with the current (digital) lock owner. If you rent a lock and need access to it, please contact the property owner. They can add you to the Bold Smart Lock to grant you access.

I want to install the Bold product in my Bold account because I bought the product (second-hand).

Please ask the seller to contact the previous (digital) owner. Only the latter can make the product available for installation by deleting it from their Bold app. If this is impossible, you won’t be able to use the product. In that case, we recommend that you return it to the seller and ask for a replacement.

I’m trying to take over a Bold Smart Lock that is not mine.

Please be aware that this is prohibited. The current (digital) lock owner will receive a message that warns them about an installation attempt.

We recommend that you always buy a new lock and check if the box’s transparent seal and white label are still intact. If this is not the case and/or the product has been installed before, we strongly advise returning the product and requesting a replacement or refund.