How to change your profile settings?

To personalise and secure your Bold App experience, you might need to adjust your profile settings from time to time. Here is a straightforward guide on how to do so.

  1. Ensure you're logged into the Bold App
  2. Navigate to the Account settings (person icon located at the bottom right) and then select 'My Account' at the top left
  3. Update Personal Information
  • Name: Here, you can change your name to reflect your preference or any updates
  • Phone: Adjust your phone number as needed to ensure its current
  • Email: Update your email address to keep your account notifications and communications accurate
  • Password: To change your password, enter your current password followed by your new password twice for confirmation and security
  • Language: Set the language for your account to ensure the app communicates in your preferred language
  • Active sessions: View your current login sessions and log out from any session as needed for added security
  • Delete account: Select this option if you wish to permanently delete your Bold account. Be cautious, as this action is irreversible.
  • Sign out: Safely sign out from your account when you're done adjusting your settings or when you want to ensure your account's security.

By following these steps you can easily manage your personal information, security settings and preferences within the Bold App, ensuring a tailored and secure user experience.